DISCLAIMER: Swatch images are for color representation only and may not be exact due to screen limitations. For best color accuracy, always verify color from a physical product sample.
Clearwater (QB-1020) is a bold addition to our Cool Collection. CComposed of deep blue and crisp white quartz particles, Clearwater embodies a captivating blend that evokes the essence of clear, tranquil waters. Ideal for a range of environments, from commercial to industrial spaces, Clearwater infuses a sense of sophistication and depth. Elevate your surroundings with the commanding and serene hues of Clearwater, and experience the versatile elegance that emanates from its bold yet soothing blend.
RESIN QUARTZ is a decorative element that can be used to enhance a variety of coating systems. It improves the durability, texture, and aesthetic qualities of surfaces when used along with a coating system. For more information on how to use QUARTZ and technical information, visit our product literature.




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