Meet the New Torginol Logo
In with the new
No, your eyes do not deceive you—we did update our logo! In the past month, our team has been slowly refreshing Torginol collateral with our NEW logo. This update takes inspiration from both vintage and more recent versions of the Torginol logo but adds a touch of modernity, representing a meshing of old and new. Pictured below is the new logo:

How did we get here?
The 60s & 70s
In the 60’s and 70’s, the Torginol logo featured the classic Clarendon typeface. Though we are not the same company today, we enjoyed the timeless appeal of this design. During this time, the text logo was often used alone or accompanied by the big “T” and trapezoid, floor-esque shape, as seen in the vintage ad below.

The 90s
This version of the logo remained during Torginol’s time under the Peterson Chemical Corporation after the trademark and technology was purchased in 1970. Eventually, in 1992, the company would change it’s name to Torginol after it became the company’s flagship product. During this time, the logo was re-designed by a local design firm in Sheboygan, WI. In this version, the typeface was changed to Cheltenham, another classic typeface and the text was moved into the floor shape.

The 10s & 20s
The prior logo was used used into the early 2000’s after the company was purchased by Tom Testwuide, Jr. in 2001. As the company evolved, the logo was redesigned to distinguish the new identity of the company. The logo was updated again in the 2010s. The next iteration was the primary logo from then until this year. This design encompassed both the Torginol name and “T” into an emblem. Most recently, the text from this version served as the primary logo.

Elements of all of these past versions have influenced the new logo. We aimed to bring back the classic feel of the vintage logo while maintaining the “T” as an emblem of the brand. In the end, we brought back the Clarendon typeface for a strong, timeless appeal and recreated the “T” badge. This version has a classic feel and gives us flexibility for both the name or badge logos to stand alone as brand identifiers.

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